EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

World, Worlds   [956]
       to be superseded LHU 360
       (treasures) Satan plans to tempt with Con 30.0
       unfits one for heavenly courts AG 251.6
       withdrawn in accepting Christ’s yoke HP 53.3
    lovers of, represented by foolish virgins TMK 215.2
    maxims of, control those not wholly on Christ’s side HP 168.3
    measurement not by standard of TDG 294.4
    message of John 3:16 is for; word “whosoever” is used FW 105.1
    methods of, work in some centers by PM 63.1
    mildew of, affected unsanctified mind of preacher 1MCP 103.3
       centered on, TMK 223.3
       on things of, instead of on Christ TMK 119.4
       lead to demands and customs of, and away from God OHC 79.5
    minister whose speech bears stamp of TDG 185.3
    misery in, because money spent for unsanctified desires RC 266.4
    misrepresented in, but avoid exposing mistakes of brethren 3SM 345.1
    mistakes of God’s chosen ones not to be presented to 3SM 346.4
    misunderstanding by,
       greater for those closer to Christ TMK 310.4