EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

World, Worlds   [956]
       See also Impenitence; Sinners; Unbelievers
    people of God,
       are called out of, and are to serve Him TDG 354.4
       misrepresented before TDG 325.2
    picture of, today; sins excused LHU 371.2
    pilgrims and strangers in HP 112.6
    plans, customs and conniving of, are not for us TMK 174.4
       of, freedom from OHC 345.3
       or aims of, will not dim spiritual eyesight TDG 159.5
    practices of, to be stopped; treat workers with respect TDG 270.3
    prayer for strength to overcome OHC 177.4
       place, not heaven HP 145.6
       while in, to appear in God’s presence OHC 162.3
    preparatory school with trials to meet HP 33.4
    preserved from corruption through salt of our presence HP 311.3
    principles of,
       dependence on lawyers and legal documents 3SM 303.3
       freedom from, by truth TMK 216.2