EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

World, Worlds   [956]
    sins of,
       Christ bowed under HP 15.4
       Christ suffered when receiving, in Gethsemane RC 132.8
       Christ’s offering, an atonement for FLB 91.4
       could soon be replaced with heaven; also pain HP 217.6
       gathered to Jesus TMK 66.2
       imputed to the the divine Surety TDG 236.3
    small matter of forbidden fruit brought death to TMK 255.3
    Solomon lost connection with God in seeking RY 183.2
       temple to be kept clean from rubbish of HP 165.4
       winning prized more highly than things of UL 264.4
    souls to come from churches and, as eleventh hour laborers 3SM 386.4
    spirit of,
       children to be kept from 3SM 210.1
       diet of Egypt would have caused, in Israel TDG 77.3
       pride and self-exaltation TMK 206.2
    standard of,
       conformity to FLB 117.4
       not for those who love Christ RC 164.4