EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

World, Worlds   [956]
    chief enemy of religion TM 270
    Christ does not say that, will be converted DA 633-4
    Christian, making movements which will bring commandment keepers into prominence 5T 546
    Christian and, great distinction must be made between 1T 132
    Christians can be in, and not be of it AA 467
    Christians cannot serve God and, at same time 5T 543
    Christians will be led astray by, if not thorough Bible students 5T 546
    Christians’ present work is to come out and be separate from 5T 535
    church daily converted to COL 316
       by conformity to its customs GC 509
    church’s duty to TM 271
    circle of missionary work to belt 7BC 967;Ev 19;
    cold and selfish 2T 314
    condition (state) of 3T 471-4
       at second advent DA 122;GC 38 See also Advent, second;
       when Christ was born 7T 225
       will become desperate 5T 523
    conformity to: carnal mind craves LS 351
       do not purchase wealth, honor, or pleasure by AA 331
       gaining ground among God’s people 3T 51