EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

World, Worlds   [956]
       God banished from heart by 4T 104
       God’s word emphatically forbids 5T 277
       guard strictly against FE 436
       is sin Ev 271
       men may deny Christ by DA 357
       saps spirituality Ev 271
       spirit of, pagan persecutions restrained GC 49
       warnings against 1T 131-7
    converting the church 9T 43-4
    convinced by what church lives, not by what pulpit teaches 7T 16
    course pursued by many persons professing truth deceives 5T 277
    cry of sin-stricken hearts coming from Ed 262-3
    customs of, God desires to separate His people from MM 187
    cut finest thread binding you to MYP 139
    cut loose from 1T 133
    destruction of, God’s people will be delivered from GC 37
    doom of, Jerusalem’s destruction as shadow of GC 36
    earth as See Earth
    extravagant habits of, God leads His people from CD 160;3T 63;
    fallen by transgression, as lost sheep DA 693