EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
lectures from “great” men are dangerous for
3SM 232.3
life of Christ to be considered and copied by
TMK 158
light imparted by, from searching the Word
TMK 28.4
living for two worlds and need common sense
TMK 209.2
maturity felt by, at 12 to 16; want to choose own course
HP 218.5
minds of, trained and developed
HP 242.2
mistakes expected in; they can improve from reproof
RY 47.3
moral and spiritual power for, by grace in the heart
AG 278.3
moral corruption of, worse than death
TSB 127.2
music and indulgence of, help for those allured by
TMK 314.2
object of, usefulness for God should be
OHC 261.3
office as school for; workers to care for souls
PM 91.1
other youth helped by, to a higher Christian experience
RC 248.4
parents cruel to, by permitting their own will
CC 49.4