EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       to task of solving mysteries CSW 77-8
    SDA have army of, who can do much if properly directed and encouraged TM 32
    SDA institutions should teach, to do evangelistic work 8T 229
    SDA schools should prepare, to labor to advance truth 3T 407
    SDA schools should teach, to do evangelistic work 8T 229
    some, best fitted to do home miss. work 9T 78
    soon must bear burdens borne by older workers CT 537
    study best methods of fitting, to win souls 9T 76
    wide field of usefulness for, distribution of SDA literature is 9T 78
    wide sphere of usefulness for, but they see it not 1T 512
    will be called to give God’s message WM 108-9
    work for every, God has PP 574
6. Characteristics of
    affections in, are most ardent SD 78
    affections of, are ardent 1T 498
    are receptive, fresh, ardent, and hopeful 6T 471
    bold in sin in this modern age MYP 85
    faculty of imitation is most active in CG 215
    feel more at liberty when older persons are absent 2SG 251;1T 154-5;
    generally are: governed by impulse 3T 564