EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    characters of many, are imprinted on their countenances CSW 113
    cheapening everything they undertake MYP 43
    choosing path to destruction are many 6T 254
    choosing pleasures of world before peace which Christ gives 3T 370
    choosing to follow inclination are many 4T 649
    Christian: may keep his tongue from speaking evil CT 238
       preservation and perpetuity of God’s institutions depend largely on CT 99;4T 434;
       select, to circulate SDA books CM 29
       should be entrusted with responsibilities in SS CSW 62
       terrible influence of worldly schools upon MH 403
    coarse and uncourteous 4T 624
    confined to close study in school cannot have sound health FE 146
    connected with large sanitarium, perils of 8T 224-6
    consecrated: can exercise greater influence than preachers over other youth 1T 511
       could sway mighty influence 1T 511
       God accepts CT 512
       God’s cause needs CSW 67-8
       Satan knows no other class can do as much good as 1T 511
       sway mighty influence for good ML 122
    considering: any discipline unreasonable restriction of liberty CG 335