CME 41.0
(A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education 41.0)
When temperance is presented as a part of the gospel, many will see their need of reform. They will see the evil of intoxicating liquors, and that total abstinence is the only platform on which God’s people can conscientiously stand. As this instruction is given, the people will become interested in other lines of Bible study.—Testimonies for the Church 7:75. (CME 41.1) MC VC
As we near the close of time, we must rise higher and still higher on the question of health reform and Christian temperance, presenting it in a more positive and decided manner. We must strive continually to educate the people, not only by our words but by our practice. Precept and practice combined have a telling influence.—Manuscript 87, 1908. (CME 41.2) MC VC
Chapter 8—Co-operation Between Medical and Evangelistic Work VC
How to Reveal Christ VC
How shall we reveal Christ? I know of no better way ... than to take hold of the medical missionary work in connection with the ministry.—Medical Ministry, 319. (CME 41.3) MC VC
Christ gave a perfect representation of true godliness by combining the work of a physician and a minister, ministering to the needs of both body and soul, healing physical disease, and then speaking words that brought peace to the troubled heart.—Counsels on Health, 528. (CME 41.4) MC VC
To Advance Together VC
The gospel and the medical missionary work are to advance together. The gospel is to be bound up with the principles of true health reform. Christianity is to be brought into the practical life. Earnest, thorough reformatory work is to be done. True Bible religion is an outflowing of the love of God for fallen man. God’s people are to advance in straightforward lines to impress the hearts of those who are seeking for truth, who desire to act their part aright in this intensely earnest age. We are to present the principles of health reform before the people, doing all in our power to lead men and women to see the necessity of these principles and to practice them.—Testimonies for the Church 6:379. (CME 41.5) MC VC