FE 464
(Fundamentals of Christian Education 464)
Let all students seek to take as broad a view as possible of their obligations to God. They are not to look forward to a time after the school term closes, when they will do some large, noted work. But they are to study earnestly how they can commence practical working in their student life by yoking up with Christ. Let every impulse be on the Lord’s side. Do not pull down and discourage those who are your teachers. Do not burden their souls by manifesting a spirit of levity and a careless disregard of rules. (FE 464.1) MC VC
Students, you can make this school first class in success by being laborers together with your teachers to help other students, and by zealously uplifting yourselves from a cheap, common, low standard. Let each see what improvement he can make in conforming his conduct to Bible rules. Those who will seek to be themselves elevated and ennobled are cooperating with Jesus Christ by becoming refined in speech, in temper, under the control of the Holy Spirit. They are yoked up with Jesus Christ. They will not flounce about, and become unruly and self-caring, studying their own selfish pleasures and gratification. They bend all their efforts with Jesus Christ as the messengers of His mercy and love, ministering to others of His grace. Their hearts throb in unison with Christ’s heart. They are one with Christ in spirit, one with Christ in action. They seek to store the mind with the precious treasures of the word of God, that each may do the work appointed him by God, to gather in the bright rays of the Sun of Righteousness, that they may shine unto others. (FE 464.2) MC VC