Ev 638
(Evangelism 638)
Ministers need much of the grace of God in order to do their work acceptably. When a minister finds the members of a church arrayed against one another, let him call a halt, and endeavor to bring about a harmonious understanding. Let him never give sharp, dictatorial advice or orders. This is not necessary. It is labor worse than wasted.... (Ev 638.1) MC VC
The Lord calls upon you to exert an uplifting influence. Receive into the heart the truths of God’s Word. Only thus can you have the mind of God. Place yourselves under the molding influence of the Holy Spirit. Then you will have much greater power for good.... (Ev 638.2) MC VC
Wherever the love of Jesus reigns, there is peace and rest. Where this love is cherished, it is as a refreshing stream in a desert, transforming barrenness into fertility.—Manuscript 105, 1902. (Ev 638.3) MC VC
Tact and Good Judgment Melt Hearts—Tact and good judgment increase the usefulness of the laborer a hundredfold. If he will speak the right words at the right time, and show the right spirit, this will exert a melting power on the heart of the one he is trying to help. Gospel Workers, 119 (1915). (Ev 638.4) MC VC
Kindness to Those Who Differ in Doctrine—Those who differ with us in faith and doctrine should be treated kindly. They are the property of Christ, and we must meet them in the great day of final account. We shall have to face one another in the judgment, and behold the record of our thoughts, words, and deeds, not as we have viewed them, but as they were in truth. God has enjoined upon us the duty of loving one another as Christ has loved us.—The Youth’s Instructor, December 9, 1897. (Ev 638.5) MC VC
Without Personal Feeling and Selfishness—Men must labor according to His [God’s] rules and arrangement if they would meet with success. God will accept only those efforts that are made willingly and with humble hearts, without the trait of personal feelings or selfishness.—Letter 66, 1887. (Ev 638.6) MC VC