CSW 98
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 98)
Reverent yet Cheerful VC
The teacher may have reverence and yet be cheerful. And in the place of flippancy of manner, he should be a searcher for the deep things of God. Any affectation will not be natural. Let the class receive the impression that religion is a reality, that it is desirable; for it brings peace and rest and happiness. Let not your class receive the impression that a cold, unsympathetic character is religion. Let the peace and glory of Christ’s presence within make the face speak His love, the lips utter thankfulness and praise. (CSW 98.1) MC VC
Those who are in the habit of communing with God will have His light reflected in the countenance. Children hate the gloom of clouds and sadness. Their hearts respond to brightness, to cheerfulness, to love. While a teacher should be firm and decided, he should not be stern, exacting, and dictatorial. A dignified authority is required in the teacher, else he lacks that ability which will make him a successful teacher. The children are quick to discern any weakness or defect of character in the teacher. The deportment is making its impression. The words which you utter will not give them the right mold unless they see in your character the model. A correct Christian character exemplified in the daily life will do a great work in the character building of your class, more, far more, than all your teachings and oft-repeated lessons. God has so related us individually to the great web of humanity that unconsciously we draw from others, with whom we are brought in contact, their ways, practices, and habits. And God forbid that the least of one of these little ones shall be left to walk from the path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in. Let the teacher have that practical godliness that the character and love of Jesus will be revealed in him. (CSW 98.2) MC VC