UL 114.3, 338.2
(The Upward Look 114.3, 338.2)
Disaffection began in heaven because Satan could not have the place he coveted. Disaffection and distrust had never before entered any heart. When Satan began his evil work, he did not himself see where it would lead. But the thoughts he entertained after a time were expressed in suggestions of evil, and these, diffused among the angels, led to the great rebellion which was the beginning of all the woe and misery that has befallen mankind. (UL 114.3) MC VC
Satan has ever sought to infatuate the minds of men with subtle mysteries. Thus he beguiled Eve, and thus he seeks to seduce men today. Those who misquote the Word of God in an effort to substantiate error are following the example of him who beguiled Eve, and who tempted Christ in the wilderness. The enemy substituted for the Word of God his own misleading statements. (UL 338.2) MC VC