UL 263.2
(The Upward Look 263.2)
The angels of the Lord excel in strength. One angel appeared before the Roman guard appointed to watch Christ’s tomb and caused them to fear and quake and to become as powerless as dead men. Yet the whole scene was forever stamped on their minds. A mighty angel with exceeding great glory descended from the heavens to the earthly sepulcher, and laying hold on the sealed stone, removed it as he would a pebble. Then the mighty angel, with a voice that caused the earth to quake, was heard to say, “Jesus, Thou Son of God, Thy Father calls Thee.” Then He who had earned the power to conquer death and the grave came forth, and proclaimed over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, “I am the resurrection and the life.” John 11:25. (UL 263.2) MC VC