WM 117
(Welfare Ministry 117)
“And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.” Luke 9, 2. (WM 117) MC VC
Chapter 14—In the Footsteps of the Master VC
Christ’s Pattern of Medical Ministry—For three years the disciples had before them the wonderful example of Christ. Day by day they walked and talked with Him, hearing His words of cheer to the weary and heavy laden and seeing the manifestations of His power in behalf of the sick and afflicted. When the time came for Him to leave them, He gave them power to work as He had worked. He bestowed on them His grace, saying, “Freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8. They were to go forth into the world to shed abroad the light of His gospel of love and healing. The work He had done they were to do. (WM 117.1) MC VC
And this is the work we also are to do in the world. In sympathy and compassion we are to minister to those in need of help, seeking with unselfish earnestness to lighten the woe of suffering humanity. As we engage in this work we shall be greatly blessed. Its influence is irresistible. By it souls are won to the Redeemer. The practical carrying out of the Saviour’s commission demonstrates the power of the gospel. This work calls for laborious effort, but it pays; for by it perishing souls are saved. Through its influence men and women of talent are to be brought to the cross of Christ. (WM 117.2) MC VC
Man has a body as well as a soul to save. Both are to be restored to health by God’s simple but efficacious methods, which appeal to men and women of intelligence. Through a belief in the truth souls are awakened to a need of a preparation for life’s duties. As the health of the body is restored the powers of the mind are put forth to grasp the great truths of the gospel.—Letter 152, 1901. (WM 117.3) MC VC