HP 222.5
(In Heavenly Places 222.5)
Looking up to heaven in supplication, present yourself to God as His servants, and all that you have as His, saying, Lord, of thine own we freely give thee. Standing in view of the cross of Calvary and the Son of the infinite God crucified for you, realizing that matchless love, that wonderful display of grace, let your earnest inquiry be, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? He has told you. “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). When you see souls in the kingdom of God saved through your gifts and your service, you will rejoice that you had the privilege of doing this work.... The same power that the apostles had is now for those who will do God’s service.—Manuscript 139, 1898. (HP 222.5) MC VC