LS 251
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 251)
On the following Monday he had a severe chill, and the next day I too was attacked. Together we were taken to the Sanitarium for treatment. On Friday my symptoms became more favorable. The doctor then informed me that my husband was inclined to sleep, and that danger was apprehended. I was immediately taken to his room, and as soon as I looked upon his countenance I knew that he was dying. I tried to arouse him. He understood all that was said to him, and responded to all questions that could be answered by yes or no, but seemed unable to say more. When I told him I thought he was dying, he manifested no surprise. I asked if Jesus was precious to him. He said, “Yes, oh, yes.” “Have you no desire to live?” I inquired. He answered, “No.” We then knelt by his bedside, and I prayed for him. A peaceful expression rested upon his countenance. I said to him: “Jesus loves you. The everlasting arms are beneath you.” He responded, “Yes, yes.” (LS 251.1) MC VC
Brother Smith and other brethren then prayed around his bedside, and retired to spend much of the night in prayer. My husband said he felt no pain; but he was evidently failing fast. Dr. Kellogg and his helpers did all that was in their power to hold him back from death. He slowly revived, but continued very weak. (LS 251.2) MC VC