MM 159, 312
(Medical Ministry 159, 312)
The proclamation of the truth in all parts of the world calls for small sanitariums in many places, not in the heart of cities, but in places where city influences will be as little felt as possible. (MM 159.1) MC VC
I am obliged to say that the making of so large a plant in ----- and the calling together of those who should be engaged in medical missionary work in many places, is doing just what God has specified should not be done. (MM 159.2) MC VC
Danger in Separation From the Gospel VC
The fact that many patients are coming to the new sanitarium at ----- is not to be read as a sign that the planning for so large work there was for the best. To this large institution will come many men and women who are not really sick. Workers will be required to wait on them; our nurses will become the servants of worldly men and women who are not inclined to piety or religion. But this is not the work that God has given to His medical missionaries. Our charge has been given us by the greatest Medical Missionary that this world has ever seen.—Letter 210, 1903. (MM 159.3) MC VC
There is danger of Dr.-----’s seeking to meet the standard of the world in his ideas and practice. He needs to seek the Lord at every step. He should keep in view, not his own glory, but the glory of the Lord.... And he is in danger of setting the medical missionary work first, making it the body instead of the arm. He will not succeed in this, and he must not attempt that which he cannot accomplish. He will be ambitious to do great things by separating the medical missionary work from the gospel ministry; but the Lord does not lead His physicians to separate the medical missionary work from the gospel ministry. Truth, present truth for this time, is to be believed and acted upon in connection with the principles of health reform. (MM 159.4) MC VC
The Sabbath a Test for this Time VC
The sanitariums which are established are to be closely and inseparably bound up with the gospel. The Lord has given instruction that the gospel is to be carried forward; and the gospel includes health reform in all its phases. Our work is to enlighten the world; for it is blind to the movements which are taking place, preparing the way for the plagues which God will permit to come upon the world. God’s faithful watchmen must give the warning. (MM 159.5) MC VC
The gospel invitation is to be given to the rich and the poor, the high and the low, and we must devise means for carrying the truth into new places and to all classes of people. The Lord bids us, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that My house may be filled.” Luke 14:23. He says, “Begin in the highways; thoroughly work the highways; prepare a company who in unity with you can go forth to do the very work that Christ did in seeking and saving the lost.” (MM 312.1) MC VC
Christ preached the gospel to the poor, but He did not confine His labors to this class. He worked for all who would hear His word—not only the publican and the outcasts, but the rich and cultivated Pharisee, the Jewish nobleman, the centurion, and the Roman ruler. This is the kind of work I have ever seen should be done. We are not to strain every spiritual sinew and nerve to work for the lowest classes, and make that work the all in all. There are others whom we must bring to the Master, souls who need the truth, who are bearing responsibilities, and who will work with all their sanctified ability for the high places as well as for the low places. (MM 312.2) MC VC
The work for the poorer classes has no limit. It can never be got through with, and it must be treated as a part of the great whole. To give our first attention to this work, while there are vast portions of the Lord’s vineyard open to culture and yet untouched, is to begin in the wrong place. As the right arm is to the body, so is the medical missionary work to the third angel’s message. But the right arm is not to become the whole body. The work of seeking the outcasts is important, but it is not to become the great burden of our mission.— Manuscript 3, 1899 (MM 312.3) MC VC
Safeguard the Youth VC
Great care should be taken in working for the outcasts. Neither young men nor young women should be sent into the lowest places of our cities. The sight of the eyes and the hearing of the ears of young men and women should be kept from evil. There is much that the youth can do for the Master. If they will watch and pray and make God their trust, they will be prepared to do various kinds of excellent work under the supervision of experienced laborers.— Manuscript 33, 1901. (MM 312.4) MC VC