MYP 389
(Messages to Young People 389)
It sometimes happens that by frequenting places of amusement, youth who have been carefully instructed in the way of the Lord are carried away by the glamour of human influence, and form attachments for those whose education and training have been of a worldly character. They sell themselves into lifelong bondage by uniting with persons who have not the ornament of a Christlike spirit. Those who truly love and serve God will fear to descend to the world’s level by choosing the society of those who have not enthroned Christ in their hearts. They will stand boldly for Christ, even though their course may be one of self-denial and self-sacrifice. (MYP 389.1) MC VC
The Antidote for Frivolity VC
Christ lived a life of toil and sacrifice for us, and can we not deny ourselves for Him? Are not the atonement He has made for us and the righteousness He waits to give us themes worthy of occupying our minds? If the youth will draw from the storehouse of the Bible the treasures it contains, if they will meditate on the pardon, peace, and everlasting righteousness that crown a life of self-denial, they will have no desire for questionable excitement of amusement. (MYP 389.2) MC VC