OHC 335.2
(Our High Calling 335.2)
We do not know what the Lord will do for us, if we will come into line. God sees what He can make of man. There are possibilities which our feeble faith does not discern. “Ye are God′s husbandry, ye are God′s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9. He sees all the now unamiable traits of character in man, and He knows, if men will learn the meekness and lowliness of Christ, He can mold and fashion the combative spirit, the unamiable disposition, and bring every power of the being into working order to advance His kingdom. He longs to refine, elevate, and ennoble the entire life.... Through the Holy Spirit′s power He can use the very worst characters, and make them men and women of opportunity. (OHC 335.2) MC VC