RC 41.3
(Reflecting Christ 41.3)
God does not intend that your light shall so shine that your good words or works shall bring the praise of men to yourself; but that the Author of all good shall be glorified and exalted. Jesus, in His life, gave to men a model of character. How little power did the world have over Him to mold Him according to its standard! All its influence was thrown off. He declared, “My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work!” John 4:34. If we had this devotion to the work of God, doing it with an eye single to His glory, we should be able to say with Christ, “I seek not mine own glory.” John 8:50. His life was full of good works, and it is our duty to live as our great Example lived. Our life must be hid with Christ in God, and then the light will be reflected from Jesus to us, and we shall reflect it upon those around us, not in mere talk and profession, but in good works, and by manifesting the character of Christ. Those who are reflecting the light of God will cherish a loving disposition. They will be cheerful, willing, obedient to all the requirements of God. They will be meek and self-sacrificing, and will work with devoted love for the salvation of souls.... (RC 41.3) MC VC