1MCP 190.2
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1 190.2)
Coping With Misdoings—Never educate them by giving publicity to the errors and misdoings of any scholar, for they will consider it a virtue in them to expose the wrongs of another. Never humiliate a scholar by presenting his grievances and mistakes and sins before the school: you cannot do a work more effectual to harden his heart and confirm him in evil than in doing this. Talk and pray with him alone, and show the same tenderness Christ has evidenced to you who are teachers. Never encourage any one student to criticize and talk of the faults of another. Hide a multitude of sins in every way possible by pursuing Christ’s way to cure him. This kind of educating will be a blessing, made to tell in this life and stretching into the future immortal life.— Manuscript 34, 1893. (1MCP 190.2) MC VC