PM 157.1
(The Publishing Ministry 157.1)
The work has been presented to me as, at its beginning, a small, very small rivulet. The representation was given to the prophet Ezekiel of waters issuing “from under the threshold of the house eastward ... at the south side of the altar.” Please read Ezekiel 47. Mark verse 8: “Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.” This work was represented to me as extending to the east and to the north, to the islands of the sea, and to all parts of the world. As the work increases, there will be a great and living interest to be managed by human instrumentalities. The work is not to be centered in any one place, not even in Battle Creek. Human wisdom argues that it is more convenient to build up the interest where it has already obtained character and influence; mistakes have been made in this line. Individuality and personal responsibility are thus repressed and weakened. The work is the Lord’s, and the strength and efficiency are not all to be concentrated in any one place.—Letter 71, 1894. (Selections from the Testimonies Setting forth Important Principles Relating to Our Work in General, 22.) (PM 157.1) MC VC