OHC 305.3
(Our High Calling 305.3)
In the service of God there is no middle ground.... Let none expect to make a compromise with the world, and yet enjoy the blessing of the Lord. Let God′s people come out from this world, and be separate. Let us seek more earnestly to know and do the will of our Father in heaven. Let the light of truth which has shone upon us be so received that its bright rays may go forth from us to the world. Let unbelievers see that the faith we hold makes us better men and better women; that it is a living reality, sanctifying the character, transforming the life.... Let our conversation be upon heavenly things. Let us surround ourselves with an atmosphere of Christian cheerfulness. Let us show that our religion can stand the test of trial. Let us by our kindness, forbearance, and love prove to the world the power of our faith. (OHC 305.3) MC VC