PM 183.0
(The Publishing Ministry 183.0)
The loss in Mountain View has come as a test to the believers in present truth. Those who carry on the work of printing the truth, to be sent out broadcast, now need tangible evidence as to how the work for this time is regarded by God’s people. In the rebuilding of Pacific Press, money will be required. Let us remember that all we have is the Lord’s. Let us manifest faith and put into the Lord’s treasury that which is necessary, that this institution may be prepared to proclaim the truth in its purity.—Letter 260, 1906. (PM 183.1) MC VC
Rebuilding and Witnessing in Mountain View—If it seems best that the office shall be rebuilt in Mountain View, then let everyone connected with the work here be a missionary, a blessing to those who know not the truth. “Ye are laborers together with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9. Think how tender Christ was with all who came to Him for help. If all will look, not at the faults of others, but at their own shortcomings, and see that they individually carry out the true principles of the law of God, our brethren and sisters will be a blessing to the community. (PM 183.2) MC VC
A solemn responsibility rests upon everyone to maintain a living connection with the God of truth. “Ye are,” Christ says, “the light of the world.... Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16).—Manuscript 73, 1906. (PM 183.3) MC VC