CD 322
(Counsels on Diet and Foods 322)
511. For those who can use them, good vegetables, prepared in a healthful manner, are better than soft mushes or porridge.—Manuscript 3, 1897 (CD 322.1) MC VC
512. Vegetables should be made palatable with a little milk or cream, or something equivalent.—Testimonies for the Church 9:162, 1909 (CD 322.2) MC VC
A Part of a Complete Diet VC
513. The simple grains, fruits of the trees, vegetables, have all the nutritive properties necessary to make good blood. This a flesh diet cannot do.—Letter 72, 1896 (CD 322.3) MC VC
[In the Adequate Diet—483, 484, 486] (CD 322) MC VC
Plenty of Vegetables VC
514. We are built up from that which we eat. Shall we strengthen the animal passions by eating animal food? In the place of educating the taste to love this gross diet, it is high time that we were educating ourselves to subsist upon fruits, grains, and vegetables.... A variety of simple dishes, perfectly healthful and nourishing, may be provided, aside from meat. Hearty men must have plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grains.—Letter 3, 1884 (CD 322.4) MC VC
[For the Helpers’ Table—444, 651]
[To Take the Place of Flesh Meat—492, 649, 765, 795]
[To Take the Place of Rich Foods—312]
[Not Relished by Those Accustomed to Transgressing Nature’s Laws—204, 563]
[Flesh Diet Vegetables Secondhand—482]
(CD 322)
515. The Lord intends to bring His people back to live upon simple fruits, vegetables, and grains.—Letter 72, 1896 (CD 322.5) MC VC
Some Cannot Use Vegetables VC
516. In a medical institution there are varied appetites to satisfy. Some require well-prepared vegetables to meet their peculiar needs. Others have not been able to use vegetables without suffering the consequence.—Letter 45, 1903 (CD 322.6) MC VC