CT 401-2, 424
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 401-2, 424)
To Teachers and Students VC
We have been warned again and again that the character of the education that has been current in the world cannot stand the test of the word of God. The subject of education is one that should interest every Seventh-day Adventist. The Lord says to us, Seventh-day Adventists are not to place themselves under the counsel and instruction of teachers who know not the truth for this time. The molding and fashioning of minds should not be left to men who have not comprehended the importance of a preparation for that life which measures with the life of God. (CT 401.1) MC VC
Some of our teachers have been charmed with the sentiments of infidel authors. In a representation given me, I saw one holding in his hand one of these books and recommending it to our teachers as a book from which real help could be obtained along educational lines. Another was holding in His hand books of an altogether different character. He placed His hand upon the one who had recommended the infidel author, and said, “Advice of the kind you have given is opening the door for Satan with his sophistries to find easy entrance to your school. These books contain sentiments that your students should be instructed to avoid. Human minds are easily charmed with studies that lead to infidelity. These books produce in the minds of the students a distaste for the study of the word of God, which is eternal life to all who follow its instruction. Such books should not find entrance into any school where the youth are being taught to be learners of the greatest of teachers.” (CT 401.2) MC VC
With solemn voice the speaker continued, “Do you find in these authors that which you can recommend as essential to true higher education? Would you dare to recommend their study to students who are ignorant of their true character? Wrong habits of thought, when once accepted, become a despotic power that fastens the mind as in a grasp of steel. If many who have received and read these books had never seen them, but had accepted the words of the divine Teacher in their place, they would be far in advance of where they now are in a knowledge of the divine truths of God’s word, which make men wise unto salvation. These books have led thousands where Satan led Adam and Eve—to a knowledge that God forbade them to have. Through their teachings, students have been turned away from the word of the Lord to fables.” (CT 402.1) MC VC
I am instructed to say to students, In your search for knowledge climb higher than the standard set by the world; follow where Jesus has led the way. And to teachers I would say, Beware how you sow the seeds of unbelief in human hearts and minds. Cleanse yourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. The crowning glory of Christ’s attributes is His holiness. The angels bow before Him in adoration, exclaiming, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.” Revelation 4:8. He is declared to be glorious in His holiness. Study the character of God. By beholding Christ, by seeking Him in faith and prayer, you may become like Him. (CT 402.2) MC VC
The standard of education in our schools is lowered as soon as Christ ceases to be the pattern of teachers and students. Teachers are to understand that their work is not confined to the knowledge contained in textbooks; it is to reach higher, far higher than it does. A course of self-discipline is to educate them to conform the character to the divine similitude. Self dies hard; but when teachers have that wisdom which comes from above, they will discern the true object of our educational work, and reforms will be made that will give our youth a training that is according to the Lord’s plan of development. (CT 402.3) MC VC
The authors of these books, which have sown the seeds of doubt and infidelity broadcast over the world, have been under the training of the great enemy of God and man, the acknowledged head of principalities and powers, the ruler of the darkness of this world. The word that God has spoken concerning them is, “They ... became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools;” “because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful.” Romans 1:21, 22. They rejected divine truth in its simplicity and purity for the wisdom of this world. (CT 424.1) MC VC
Whenever books by these infidel authors are given the precedence, and the word of God is made secondary, there will be sent out of the schools a class of students no better fitted for the service of God than they were before they received their education. (CT 424.2) MC VC
Cause of Opposition to the Bible VC
It is not for want of evidence that men doubt divine truth; they are not infidels through ignorance of the character of the word of God. But through sin the whole human organism is deranged, the mind is perverted, the imagination corrupted. Temptations from without find an answering chord within the heart, and the feet slide imperceptibly into sin. And so it is that many hate the Bible. Some would not care if there were not a Bible in the world. (CT 424.3) MC VC