CT 497
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 497)
It is not necessary that all know several languages; but it is necessary that all have an experience in the things of God. I do not say that there should be no study of the languages. The languages should be studied. Before long there will be a positive necessity for many to leave their homes and go to work among people of other tongues; and those who have some knowledge of these languages will be able to communicate with those who do not know the truth. (CT 497.1) MC VC
The Character of Teachers VC
The well-being, the happiness, the religious life, of the families with which the youth are connected, the prosperity and piety of the church of which they are members, are largely dependent upon the religious education that they receive in our schools. Because our schools have been established for so high and holy a purpose, the teachers should be men and women whose lives are purified by the grace of Christ, who are cultured in mind and refined in manners. And they should have a vivid sense of the perils of this time, and the work that must be accomplished to prepare a people to stand in the day of God. They should ever pursue a course that will command the respect of their students. The youth have a right to expect that a Christian teacher will reach a high standard, and they will pass severe judgment upon him if he does not. (CT 497.2) MC VC