PM 120.1, 121.1
(The Publishing Ministry 120.1, 121.1)
Printing Kept in SDA Publishing Houses—I have been considering the question whether we might not print our books and then place them with other publications to be bound, and thus relieve ourselves of the work of binding them in our own office. But I have recently been shown how this would work. If these books are entrusted to others, they will come out in a cheap form, because those who handle them do not take a special interest in the work. It will not be wise to place our work in the hands of unbelievers, when we have right among us those who are ready to do the work conscientiously and well. If our workers will endeavor to become efficient in the various lines of work, if they will strip for the race and harness for the battle, the Lord will bless them in becoming more and more intelligent and capable to do the work acceptably. Instead of seeking for amusements, they will find their highest pleasure in carrying forward faithfully to the very end of time the sacred work of the Lord. (PM 120.1) MC VC
There is a great work to be done in the publishing of Seventh-day Adventist literature. It would not be well pleasing to the Lord for us to plan that the work of publishing our books and periodicals, for which we have well-trained workers, should be placed in the hands of unbelievers. If our offices depend upon unbelievers to do their binding, they will often be disappointed in the quality of the work. God desires that all the work we do for Him shall be well done. All the work done in our offices of publication should be so perfect that we may know that the Lord is glorified by its perfection. Let us do our best, and then we can say, “Lord, I have done the best I can; now I ask thee to bless the efforts put forth.” Then we may expect large results.—Manuscript 71, 1906. (PM 121.1) MC VC