PM 213.2
(The Publishing Ministry 213.2)
I have been shown some things that will be done in the future. One man will prepare a book for publication, and after it is in circulation, someone else will think that he can publish a book similar in appearance and covering nearly the same ground as the first book placed on the market. The writer of this second book will use different words, but will treat of the same subjects that are treated of in the other book. Thus two different books will be in existence when one would have been all-sufficient. There will be instances when even before the author writes the book that he contemplates publishing, someone else will write on the very same subjects in order to forestall the one who has expressed his purpose to write on certain subjects. The second book published diminishes the sale of the first one, and he who takes advantage of his neighbor in this way does not treat him fairly. His book largely takes the place and the patronage of the first book in the field. He has worked contrary to the principles of righteousness, for he has robbed his neighbor.—Manuscript 23, 1891. (PM 213.2) MC VC