PM 366
(The Publishing Ministry 366)
Those who engage in this work should first give themselves unreservedly to God. They should place themselves where they can learn of Christ and follow His example. Angels are commissioned to go forth with those who take up this work in true humility.—Manuscript 81, 1908. (PM 366.1) MC VC
Wisdom of God in The Ministry of Healing—The book Ministry of Healing may do the same work for our sanitariums and health institutions that Christ’s Object Lessons has done for our schools. This book contains the wisdom of the Great Physician. To me it has been a precious privilege to donate my work on these books to the cause of God. In the future there should be well-planned and persevering efforts made to increase their sale.—Testimonies for the Church 9:71. (PM 366.2) MC VC
Success Gained in Selling Experience—He [God] has given His people an opportunity to take to their friends and neighbors and to strangers a book containing the precious lessons of Christ. As those who have never tried to sell books have thought of going out with this book, a dread has come into their hearts. But the Lord has led and guided them as His little children. He has taught old and young, men and women, how to give the light of truth to those who know it not. (PM 366.3) MC VC
And the purchasers have been blessed. Their hearts have been softened as they have listened to the story of the self-denying effort to free our schools from debt. By the sale of this book many sermons have been preached. Those in the highways as well as those in the hedges have been reached. As men and women of every age have gone forth to sell Object Lessons, and in simple words have told what they were trying to do, a deep impression has been left on minds.—Letter 43, 1903. (PM 366.4) MC VC
Generous Cooperation of Publishing Houses—What may be accomplished by self-denying effort is shown by the result of the sale of Christ’s Object Lessons. In giving us this book, the Lord gave us a great blessing. I praise Him with heart and soul that He put it into my heart to give this book for the relief of the schools. I praise Him that our publishing houses [The publishing houses produced the relief books at cost and passed them on without profit to the churches to be sold.] acted so generous a part in the work of preparing the book for sale. And I praise Him that our people have put their hand so nobly to the work of its circulation. The Lord has greatly blessed them. In the effort to sell this book, they have learned by practical experience what they can do for the advancement of the work. And they have learned also how to speak to strangers about the truth. Through the lessons contained in this book, sinners have been warned, convicted, and converted.—Letter 43, 1903. (PM 366.5) MC VC