PM 92.5
(The Publishing Ministry 92.5)
From the light given me of God, I know that some should acquire a perfect understanding of every line of work connected with the printing and binding of books, for God will place them in positions where such work will be required of them. Because we are now settled here, we seem to think that we shall never be moved. But there will come a time when there will be a great scattering, a scattering that we do not now dream of; and it will be brought about in unexpected ways. Some of you will be taken away to remote regions, but God will have a work for you there. While you are here, let everyone be teachable. Educate and train every power of the mind that you may obtain an understanding in every part of the work. Cultivate the voice. Learn to speak so as to make the most favorable impression upon other minds.—Manuscript 73, 1906. (PM 92.5) MC VC