CM 4
(Colporteur Ministry 4)
And in a large degree through our publishing houses is to be accomplished the work of that other angel who comes down from heaven with great power and who lightens the earth with his glory.—Testimonies for the Church 7:139, 140 (1902). (CM 4.1) MC VC
Publications to Go Everywhere—Our publications should go everywhere. Let them be issued in many languages. The third angel’s message is to be given through this medium and through the living teacher. You who believe the truth for this time, wake up. It is your duty now to bring in all the means possible to help those who understand the truth to proclaim it. Part of the money that comes in from the sale of our publications should be used to increase our facilities for the production of more literature that will open blind eyes and break up the fallow ground of the heart.—Testimonies for the Church 9:62 (1909). (CM 4.2) MC VC
There are many places in which the voice of the minister cannot be heard, places which can be reached only by our publications,—the books, papers, and tracts filled with the Bible truths that the people need. Our literature is to be distributed everywhere. The truth is to be sown beside all waters; for we know not which will prosper, this, or that. In our erring judgment we may think it unwise to give literature to the very ones who would accept the truth the most readily. We know not what may be the results of giving away a leaflet containing present truth.—Manuscript 127, 1909. (CM 4.3) MC VC