GW 505
(Gospel Workers 1915 505)
Section 12—Closing Words (GW 505) MC VC
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” Ephesians 6:10. (GW 505) MC VC
Chapter 107 — Power for Service VC
What the church needs in these days of peril is an army of workers who, like Paul, have educated themselves for usefulness, who have a deep experience in the things of God, and who are filled with earnestness and zeal. Sanctified, self-sacrificing men are needed,—men who will not shun trial and responsibility; men who are brave and true; men in whose hearts Christ is formed “the hope of glory,”(Colossians 1:27) and who, with lips touched with holy fire, will “preach the word.” 2 Timothy 4:2. For want of such workers the cause of God languishes, and fatal errors, like a deadly poison, taint the morals and blight the hopes of a large part of the human race.—The Acts of the Apostles, 507. (GW 505.1) MC VC
Those who are men in the sight of God, and who are thus recorded in the books of heaven, are those who, like Daniel, cultivate every faculty in such a way as best represents the kingdom of God to a world lying in wickedness. Progress in knowledge is essential; for when employed in the cause of God, knowledge is a power for good. The world needs men of thought, men of principle, men who are constantly growing in understanding and discernment. The press is in need of men to use it to the best advantage, that the truth may be given wings to speed it to every nation, and tongue, and people. (GW 505.2) MC VC