CG 87-8, 561
(Child Guidance 87-8, 561)
The Parent’s Word Should Be Law—Your children, that are under your control, should be made to mind you. Your word should be their law. (CG 87.1) MC VC
Many Christian parents fail to command their children after them, and then wonder that their children are perverse, disobedient, unthankful, and unholy. Such parents are under the rebuke of God. They have neglected to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. They have failed to teach them the first lesson of Christianity: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Psalm 111:10. “Foolishness,” says the wise man, “is bound in the heart of a child.” Proverbs 22:15. The love of folly, the desire to do evil, the hatred of holy things, are some of the difficulties that parents must meet in the home mission field.... (CG 87.2) MC VC
In the strength of God, parents must arise and command their households after them. They must learn to repress wrong with a firm hand, yet without impatience or passion. They should not leave the children to guess at what is right, but should point out the way in unmistakable terms and teach them to walk therein. (CG 87.3) MC VC
Influence of One Disobedient Child—One disobedient child will do great harm to those with whom he associates, for he will fashion other children after his own pattern. (CG 87.4) MC VC
Winking at Sin—Teach your children to honor you, because the law of God lays this duty upon children. If you allow your children to lightly esteem your wishes and pay no regard to the laws of the household, you are winking at sin; you are permitting the devil to work as he will; and the same insubordination, want of reverence, and love of self will be carried with them even into the religious life and into the church. And the beginning of all this evil is charged in the books of heaven to the neglect of the parents. (CG 87.5) MC VC
Habit of Obedience Established by Repetition.—Lessons on obedience, on respect for authority, need to be often repeated. This kind of work done in the family will be a power for good, and not only will the children be restrained from evil and constrained to love truth and righteousness, but parents will be equally benefited. This kind of work which the Lord requires cannot be done without much serious contemplation on their part, and much study of the Word of God, in order that they may instruct according to His directions. (CG 88.1) MC VC
When God Asks, “Where Are the Children?”—Parents who have neglected their God-given responsibilities must meet that neglect in the judgment. The Lord will then inquire, “Where are the children that I gave you to train for Me? Why are they not at My right hand?” Many parents will then see that unwise love blinded their eyes to their children’s faults and left those children to develop deformed characters unfit for heaven. Others will see that they did not give their children time and attention, love and tenderness; their own neglect of duty made the children what they are. (CG 561.1) MC VC
Parents, if you lose your opportunity, God pity you; for in the day of judgment God will say, “What have you done with My flock, My beautiful flock?”(Jeremiah 13:20)... (CG 561.2) MC VC
Suppose you should get to heaven and none of your children be there. How could you say to God, “Here am I, Lord, and the children which Thou hast given me?” Isaiah 8:18. Heaven marks the neglect of parents. It is recorded in the books of heaven. (CG 561.3) MC VC
Families Will Pass in Review Before God—When parents and children meet at the final reckoning, what a scene will be presented! Thousands of children who have been slaves to appetite and debasing vice, whose lives are moral wrecks, will stand face to face with the parents who made them what they are. Who but the parents must bear this fearful responsibility? Did the Lord make these youth corrupt? Oh, no! He made them in His image, a little lower than the angels. Who, then, has done the fearful work of forming the life character? Who changed their characters so that they do not bear the impress of God and must be forever separated from His presence as too impure to have any place with the pure angels in a holy heaven? Were the sins of the parents transmitted to the children in perverted appetites and passions? And was the work completed by the pleasure-loving mother in neglecting to properly train them according to the pattern given her? All these mothers will pass in review before God just as surely as they exist. (CG 561.4) MC VC