Te 291
(Temperance 291)
Tobacco is undermining the constitutions of many. It is entering into the fluids and solids of the body. We have known tobacco devotees cured of this vile habit. My husband and I founded a health institution in America. The testimony from those that treated the tobacco patients was alarming. They told of the alarming effluvia in the baths and on the treatment sheets. But they were brought on solid rock. We have seen many who said they could not overcome, brought safely out. (Te 291.1) MC VC
A Majority With God—No one can be written in the books of heaven who is a drunkard. Resist temptation as a man. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you can lay hold upon divine power. Christ will work in behalf of every one of you. The tobacco appetite is created which hath no foundation in nature. Nevertheless you can have the victory. The curse of God is upon them who pass the bottle to their neighbors’ lips. You say we are in the minority. Is not God a majority? If we are on the side of the God who made the heaven and the earth, are we not on the side of the majority? We have the angels that excel in strength, on our side. Away with the fashions of this degenerate age. Sisters and mothers, you are abusing the bodies which God has given you. What does it mean, young women, this girdling of the waist which does not give your lungs, liver, and vital organs their proper capacity? Your future posterity will testify against you. How could I have spoken as I have, if I would girdle myself as some of you do? You see, nothing is pressing against these vital organs. We sometimes see women who have some records to read, and they cannot speak loudly. They seem to have no voice. They are girdled until they have tiny waists, as though God did not know how to make them. (Te 291.2) MC VC