Ev 242-3, 245
(Evangelism 242-3, 245)
An Appeal to One in the Valley of Decision—The enemy was telling you to wait for a more convenient season. He has been on hand with his devices presenting to you the advantages you would gain if you did not keep the Sabbath, and the disadvantages you would realize in keeping the Sabbath. He has prepared these various excuses why you should not make your decision to be obedient to the law of God. He is a deceiver. He falsifies the character of God, and you have accepted his temptation. All your imaginings have shown distrust of your heavenly Father. (Ev 242.1) MC VC
You have thought when you could realize a certain prosperity in your business, then you would obey the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. But the Lord requires of every one of His subjects entire obedience. God’s requirements were upon you, and you have been making terms with God. And all the time Satan has been working to make it more and still more impossible as you look at the matter, to decide to keep the Sabbath. You have been growing less and less susceptible to the movings of the Spirit of God upon your heart. The Lord has given me a message for you and for your children to take up your long-neglected duty, to walk in the light as He is in the light. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind.” Luke 10:27. “This do,” said Christ of a lawyer, “and thou shalt live.” Luke 10:28. This is the voice of God to yourself and to your children. The law of God is good as well as just and profitable to all who obey, and you will show honor to Him whom you obey. (Ev 242.2) MC VC
When your mind is brought into conformity to the will of God, to obey His commandments, think you that the Lord will not have a care for you and your temporal interests? You have been almost persuaded, but did not obey. You thought you would wait until the way cleared before you. The Lord has left every human agent responsible for his course of action. God’s claims are to be your first consideration. Obedience to God is your first duty. You are to leave all the consequences in His hands. You have been hesitating because you do not now realize the strong convictions that you once had, and would not yield to obey. You need not expect as forcible conviction again. You will have to obey God and take your position on the truth, feeling or no feeling. Your business now is to work decidedly from principle, to make your decisions irrespective of consequences.—Letter 72, 1893. (Ev 243.1) MC VC
Live Up to Every Ray of Light—Live up to every ray of light that you have received. Your eternal interests are involved here, and that is why I say, “Cherish every ray of light.” On your knees ask Christ to impress your heart by His Holy Spirit, and turn not away from His law.—Manuscript 10, 1894. (Ev 243.2) MC VC
Better Lose Position Than Jesus—Do not think that if you take your position for the Bible truth you will lose your position. You had better lose your position than lose Jesus. You had better be partakers of the self-denial and self-sacrifice of the Lord than to go in your own way seeking to gather to yourself the treasures of this life. You cannot carry any of it into the grave. You will come up from the grave without anything, but if you have Jesus you will have everything. He is all that you will require to stand the test of the day of God, and is not this enough for you?—Manuscript 20, 1894. (Ev 243.3) MC VC
Business Ties With Sabbathbreakers—There is need of a Sabbath reform among us, who profess to observe God’s holy rest day. Some discuss their business matters and lay plans on the Sabbath, and God looks upon this in the same light as though they engaged in the actual transaction of business. (Ev 245.1) MC VC
Others who are well acquainted with the Bible evidences that the seventh day is the Sabbath, enter into partnership with men who have no respect for God’s holy day. A Sabbathkeeper cannot allow men in his employ, paid by his money, to work on the Sabbath. If, for the sake of gain, he allows the business in which he has an interest to be carried on on the Sabbath by his unbelieving partner, he is equally guilty with the unbeliever; and it is his duty to dissolve the relation, however much he may lose by so doing. Men may think they cannot afford to obey God, but they cannot afford to disobey Him. Those who are careless in their observance of the Sabbath will suffer great loss.—The Review and Herald, March 18, 1884. (Ev 245.2) MC VC
One Kind of Employment for Sabbathkeepers—We find here the best class of people to work for. And for many of them it would not be difficult to keep the Sabbath. _____is a place where a great deal of poultry raising is done. With almost every dwelling house on the outskirts of the city poultry yards are connected. The houses are not built in terraces, but stand apart from one another, often surrounded by several acres of land. Poultry of all kinds is raised, and the eggs find a ready market in _____ and _____, and are taken to the city by boat. (Ev 245.3) MC VC