CH 249
(Counsels on Health 249)
In our sanitariums truth is to be cherished, not banished nor hidden from sight; and from them the light of present truth is to shine forth in clear, distinct rays. These institutions are the Lord’s agencies for the revival of a pure, elevated morality. We do not establish them as a speculative business, but to help men and women to follow right habits of living. Those who are now ignorant are to become wise. Suffering is to be relieved, and health restored. People are to be taught how, by exercising care in their habits, they may keep well. Christ died to save men from ruin. Our sanitariums are to be His helping hand, teaching men and women how to live in such a way as to honor and glorify God. If this work is not carried on in our sanitariums, those who are conducting them will make a great mistake. (CH 249.1) MC VC