Ev 584
(Evangelism 584)
Nature Lessons—Children’s meetings were held twice a day. After the morning lesson, on pleasant days, teachers and children took a long walk, and during the walk, by the banks of the river, or in the grassy fields, a halt was called, and a short lesson from nature given. It was noticeable that on those days when the children had a ramble in the fields, they were very quiet and orderly in the camp. The attendance at the morning meetings when only the children of the camp were present was thirty. In the afternoon when the school children from the neighborhood came in, there were from fifty to sixty.—Manuscript 27, 1895. (Ev 584.1) MC VC
Reaching Parents Through Children—Our camp meetings are one of the most important agencies in our work. At every camp meeting work should be done for the children. Let suitable workers be constantly educating the children. Ask the blessing of the Lord on the seed sown, and the conviction of the Spirit of God will take hold of even the little ones. Through the children many parents will be reached.—Manuscript 52, 1900. (Ev 584.2) MC VC
Those in the Tourist Centers VC
Why Jesus Chose Capernaum—During His earthly ministry, the Saviour took advantage of the opportunities to be found along the great thoroughfares of travel. It was at Capernaum that Jesus dwelt at the intervals of His journeys to and fro, and it came to be known as “His own city.” This city was well adapted to be the center of the Saviour’s work. Being on the highway from Damascus to Jerusalem and Egypt, and to the Mediterranean Sea, it was a great thoroughfare of travel. People from many lands passed through the city, or tarried for rest on their journeyings to and fro. Here Jesus could meet all nations and all ranks, the rich and great, as well as the poor and lowly; and His lessons would be carried to other countries and into many households. Investigation of the prophecies would thus be excited; attention would be directed to the Saviour, and His mission would be brought before the world.—Testimonies For The Church 9:121 (1909). (Ev 584.3) MC VC