Ev 82-3, 109-10, 293, 399, 431-2
(Evangelism 82-3, 109-10, 293, 399, 431-2)
Maintaining Interest for the Message—The experiences of this meeting, with what has been presented to me at various times regarding the holding of camp meetings in large cities, lead me to advise that a larger number of camp meetings be held each year, even though some of them are small; for these meetings will be a powerful means of arresting the attention of the masses. By camp meetings held in the cities, thousands will be called out to hear the invitation to the feast, “Come; for all things are now ready.” Luke 14:17. (Ev 82.1) MC VC
After arousing an interest, we must not cut these meetings short, pulling down the tents, leaving the people to think that the meeting is over, just at the time when hundreds are becoming interested. It is just then that the greatest good may be accomplished by faithful, earnest work. The meetings must be so managed that the public interest shall be maintained. (Ev 82.2) MC VC
It may be difficult, sometimes, to hold the principal speakers for some weeks to develop the interest awakened by the meeting; it may be expensive to retain the grounds, and to keep standing a sufficient number of the family tents to maintain the appearance of a camp meeting; it may be at a sacrifice that several families remain camping on the grounds, to assist the ministers and Bible workers in visiting and in holding Bible study with those who come on the grounds, and in visiting the people at their homes, telling them of the blessings received at the meetings, and inviting them to come; but the results will be worthy of the effort. It is by such earnest, energetic efforts as these that some of our camp meetings have been instrumental in raising up strong, working churches; and it is by just such earnest work that the third angel’s message must be carried to the people of our cities.—The Review and Herald, April 4, 1899. (Ev 82.3) MC VC
Organized Protracted Effort—Sometimes a large number of speakers attend a camp meeting for a few days; and just when the interest of the people is beginning to be fully aroused, nearly all hurry away to another meeting, leaving two or three speakers behind to struggle against the depressing influence of the tearing down and removal of all the family tents. (Ev 83.1) MC VC
How much better it would be in many cases, if the meetings were continued for a longer time; if persons would come from each church, prepared to remain a month or longer, helping in the meetings, and learning how to labor acceptably. Then they could carry a valuable experience to their churches when they return home. How much better if some of the same speakers who arouse the interest of the people during the largest attendance at the meeting would remain to follow up the work begun, by a thoroughly organized protracted effort.—The Review and Herald, April 4, 1899. (Ev 83.2) MC VC
Leaving the Harvest Ungarnered—It would be better, and accomplish more good, if there were fewer tent meetings, and a stronger force, or company, with different gifts to labor. Then there should be a longer tarry in a place where an interest is awakened. [Note.—The tent meeting when this was written was of only a few days’ duration.—Compiler.] There has been too much haste in taking down the tent. Some begin to be favorably impressed, and there is need that persevering efforts be put forth till their minds become settled, and they commit themselves on the truth. (Ev 83.3) MC VC
In many places where the tent has been pitched, the ministers stay till the prejudice begins to wear away, and some would then listen with minds free from prejudice; but just then the tent is taken down, and sent on its way to another place. The rounds are gone over, time and means spent, and the servants of God can see but very little accomplished through the tent season. But few are brought to acknowledge the truth, and God’s servants, having seen but very little to cheer and encourage them, and call out the gift within them, lose instead of gaining in strength, spirituality, and power.—Testimonies For The Church 1:148 (1857). (Ev 83.4) MC VC
In Association With Experienced Worker—God calls for ministers, Bible workers, and canvassers. Let our young men and young women go forth as evangelists and Bible workers, in company with a worker of experience who can show them how to labor successfully.—Manuscript 71, 1903. (Ev 109.1) MC VC
Christ’s Method of Training—In their association with the Master the disciples obtained a practical training for missionary work. They saw how He presented truth, and how He dealt with the perplexing questions that arose in His ministry. They saw His ministry in healing the sick wherever He went; they heard Him preach the gospel to the poor. In our day, from the record of His life, all must learn His methods of working.—Letter 208a, 1902. (Ev 109.2) MC VC
Proper Training Multiples Efficiency—One worker who has been trained and educated for the work, who is controlled by the Spirit of Christ, will accomplish far more than ten laborers who go out deficient in knowledge, and weak in the faith. One who works in harmony with the counsel of God, and in unity with the brethren, will be more efficient to do good, than ten will be who do not realize the necessity of depending upon God, and of acting in harmony with the general plan of the work.—The Review and Herald, May 29, 1888. (Ev 109.3) MC VC
The Training Center and Follow-Up Work—After the community has been stirred by a well-organized camp meeting, then shall the workers pull up stakes and leave to attend another camp meeting and let the work ravel out? I say, Divide the workers and have some take right hold, giving Bible readings, doing colporteur work, selling tracts, etc. Let there be a mission home to prepare workers by educating them in every line of the work. This will not leave the work to ravel out. The good impressions the messengers of God have made upon hearts and minds will not be lost. (Ev 109.4) MC VC
This house-to-house labor, searching for souls, hunting for the lost sheep, is the most essential work that can be done. Seventy-five souls have been organized into a church in -----. We thank God for this. Fifty of these have embraced the truth since the camp meeting.—Letter 137, 1898. (Ev 110.1) MC VC
Reviving and Organizing the Church for Service VC
Reviving Church Members—The Lord does not now work to bring many souls into the truth, because of the church members who have never been converted, and those who were once converted but who have backslidden.—Testimonies For The Church 6:371 (1900). (Ev 110.2) MC VC
Twenty Souls Instead of One—There is a vast amount of rubbish brought forward by professed believers in Christ, which blocks up the way to the cross. Notwithstanding all this, there are some who are so deeply convicted that they will come through every discouragement, and will surmount every obstacle in order to gain the truth. But had the believers in the truth purified their minds by obeying it, had they felt the importance of knowledge and refinement of manners in Christ’s work, where one soul has been saved there might have been twenty.—Testimonies For The Church 4:68 (1876). (Ev 110.3) MC VC
First Train Church Members—In laboring where there are already some in the faith, the minister should at first seek not so much to convert unbelievers, as to train the church members for acceptable co-operation. Let him labor for them individually, endeavoring to arouse them to seek for a deeper experience themselves, and to work for others. When they are prepared to sustain the minister by their prayers and labors, greater success will attend his efforts.—Gospel Workers, 196 (1915). (Ev 110.4) MC VC
Take Hold of Christ and Draw Men—With one hand the workers would take hold of Christ, while with the other they would grasp sinners and draw them to the Saviour.—The Review and Herald, September 10, 1903. (Ev 293.1) MC VC
Have faith and hope, and draw, yes, draw souls to the gospel banquet.—Letter 112, 1902. (Ev 293.2) MC VC
May Not Reach Them Again—It is as much our duty to look at the afterinterests of a camp meeting as it is to look after the present interests, because the next time you go, if they were impressed and convicted, and did not yield to that conviction, it is harder to make an impression on their minds than it was before, and you cannot reach them again.—Manuscript 19b, 1890. (Ev 293.3) MC VC
Getting Decision Now Difficult—In our day it is a difficult matter to bring those who profess to believe the truth to the experimental knowledge of its vitalizing, sanctifying power. This has been experienced in years gone by, but form has taken the place of the power, and its simplicity has been lost in a round of ceremonies.—Manuscript 104, 1898. (Ev 293.4) MC VC
A Parable—Gathering the Ripening Fruitage—In a dream given me September 29, 1886, I was walking with a large company who were looking for berries.... The day wore on, and very little was accomplished. At last I said: “Brethren, you call this an unsuccessful expedition. If this is the way you work, I do not wonder at your lack of success. Your success or failure depends upon the way you take hold of the work. There are berries here; for I have found them. Some of you have been searching the low bushes in vain; others have found a few berries; but the high bushes have been passed by, simply because you did not expect to find fruit on them. You see that the fruit which I have gathered is large and ripe. In a little while other berries will ripen, and we can go over the bushes again. This is the way in which I was taught to gather fruit. If you had searched near the wagon, you might have found fruit as well as I....” (Ev 293.5) MC VC
New Orleans is to be worked. At a proper time of the year a public effort is to be made there. Camp meetings are to be held in many places, and evangelistic work is to be done after the camp meeting is over. Thus the sheaves are to be gathered in. (Ev 399.1) MC VC
Now that the work in New Orleans is to be more fully entered upon, I am bidden to say, Let men and women who have a knowledge of the truth, and understand the way of the Lord, enter this city to work with wisdom and in the fear of the Lord. The laborers who are chosen for the work in New Orleans should be those who have the good of the cause at heart, men who will keep the glory of God always in view, and who will make the strength of the God of Israel their front guard and their rearward. The Lord will certainly hear and answer the prayers of His workers if they will seek Him for counsel and instruction. (Ev 399.2) MC VC
To the workers who enter that field I would say, Exercise faith in God; and in your association with those not of our faith, let the practice of the truth appear in your lives. In presenting the doctrines of your faith, use the persuasive arguments of the Word of God, and let your hearers see that it is your desire not to have controversy with them over their beliefs, but to present to them a “Thus saith the Lord.” “It is written,” was Christ’s forcible appeal on every occasion. (Ev 399.3) MC VC
Love Souls as Christ Loved—We are called upon to love souls as Christ loved them, to feel a travail of soul that sinners shall be converted. Present the matchless love of Christ. Hide self out of sight.—Manuscript 42, 1898. (Ev 431.1) MC VC
House-to-House Visitation VC
House-to-House Work—Not only is the truth to be presented in public assemblies; house-to-house work is to be done. Let this work go forward in the name of the Lord.—The Review and Herald, August 11, 1903. (Ev 431.2) MC VC
This house-to-house labor, searching for souls, hunting for the lost sheep, is the most essential work that can be done.—Letter 137, 1898. (Ev 431.3) MC VC
The Objective of House-to-House Labor—Our people make a great mistake when, after holding a camp meeting and gathering a few souls, they take down the tents and feel that their duty is done. Their work had only just begun. They have preached doctrines that are new and strange to the people who heard them, and then left the seed sown to be picked up by the birds, or else to wither away for want of moisture.... (Ev 431.4) MC VC
After the truth has been presented to souls, there are those, ministers, friends, and acquaintances, who will pick up the seed sown if possible. These human birds make the truth appear as error, and do not give the one convicted any rest until they have devoured the seed by false assertions. (Ev 432.1) MC VC
What should be done? After the camp meeting is over, establish a mission. Let the very best workers that can be found be organized into a company to sell our literature and also give away papers to some that cannot buy. Preparatory work is not of one half the value that the afterwork is. (Ev 432.2) MC VC
After the people have heard the reasons of our faith, let the house-to-house work begin. Become acquainted with the people and read to them the precious words of Christ. Lift up Jesus crucified among them, and soon those who have listened to the messages of warning from the ministers of God in the tent, and have been convicted, will be drawn out to inquire in regard to what they have heard. This is the time to present the reasons of our faith, with meekness and fear, not a slavish fear, but a cautious fear lest you should speak unadvisedly. Present the truth as it is in Jesus, with all meekness and lowliness, which means with simplicity and in sincerity, giving meat in due season, and to every man his portion of meat.—Letter 18, 1898. (Ev 432.3) MC VC
Preaching Made Effectual by House-to-House Labor—From the experience of the workers in _____, we see that the efforts made after a camp meeting has closed are of far more consequence than the work done before. For years I have been shown that house-to-house labor is the work that will make the preaching of the word a success. If those interested are not visited by our workers, other ministers get upon their tracks and confuse them by misquoting and wresting the Scriptures. These people are not familiar with the Word; they think that their ministers must be true and unprejudiced men, and they give up their convictions. But if our workers can visit those interested, to explain the Word of truth to them more fully, revealing the truth in contrast to error, they will become established. (Ev 432.4) MC VC