Ev 293
(Evangelism 293)
Take Hold of Christ and Draw Men—With one hand the workers would take hold of Christ, while with the other they would grasp sinners and draw them to the Saviour.—The Review and Herald, September 10, 1903. (Ev 293.1) MC VC
Have faith and hope, and draw, yes, draw souls to the gospel banquet.—Letter 112, 1902. (Ev 293.2) MC VC
May Not Reach Them Again—It is as much our duty to look at the afterinterests of a camp meeting as it is to look after the present interests, because the next time you go, if they were impressed and convicted, and did not yield to that conviction, it is harder to make an impression on their minds than it was before, and you cannot reach them again.—Manuscript 19b, 1890. (Ev 293.3) MC VC
Getting Decision Now Difficult—In our day it is a difficult matter to bring those who profess to believe the truth to the experimental knowledge of its vitalizing, sanctifying power. This has been experienced in years gone by, but form has taken the place of the power, and its simplicity has been lost in a round of ceremonies.—Manuscript 104, 1898. (Ev 293.4) MC VC
A Parable—Gathering the Ripening Fruitage—In a dream given me September 29, 1886, I was walking with a large company who were looking for berries.... The day wore on, and very little was accomplished. At last I said: “Brethren, you call this an unsuccessful expedition. If this is the way you work, I do not wonder at your lack of success. Your success or failure depends upon the way you take hold of the work. There are berries here; for I have found them. Some of you have been searching the low bushes in vain; others have found a few berries; but the high bushes have been passed by, simply because you did not expect to find fruit on them. You see that the fruit which I have gathered is large and ripe. In a little while other berries will ripen, and we can go over the bushes again. This is the way in which I was taught to gather fruit. If you had searched near the wagon, you might have found fruit as well as I....” (Ev 293.5) MC VC