VSS 235
(The Voice in Speech and Song 235)
Elder White: “Then at one time I remember very distinctly about your saying that, ‘as we approach nearer the end I have seen our camp meetings with less preaching and more Bible study; little groups all over the ground with their Bibles in their hands, and different ones leading out in a free, conversational study of the Scriptures.’ (VSS 235.1) MC VC
Ellen White: “That is the work that has been shown me, that our camp meetings would increase in success and interest. There are those that want more definite light. There are some that take [a] longer time to get hold of things and get what you really mean. If they could have the privilege of having it made a little plainer they would see that, and would catch hold of that. And it would be like a nail fastened in a sure place, and it would be written on the tablets of their hearts.” (VSS 235.2) MC VC
“When the great throngs would gather about Christ, He gave His lessons of instruction. Then the disciples in different places and different positions after the discourse would repeat what Christ had said. The people had misapplied Christ’s words; and the disciples would tell the people what the Scriptures said, and what Christ said the Scriptures said. They were learning to be educators. They were next to Christ, getting lessons from Him and giving them to the people.”—Manuscript 19b, 1890. (VSS 235.3) MC VC
Instruction in the People’s Homes—God’s servants have a great work to do in addition to preaching in the pulpit. In the work of the ministry there is altogether too much preaching, and too little real teaching the lessons of the Bible. Our ministers should visit the members of the church more than they do, to talk and pray with them. Their hearts need to be drawn out to those in their charge. (VSS 235.4) MC VC