RY 36.4
(The Retirement Years 36.4)
Our camp meetings are not held for the purpose of putting men on exhibition, of showing off their capabilities. The people come together to receive spiritual good. There are among them those who are thirsting for the water of life. Give them opportunity to drink until their thirst is quenched. Let them hear a message fraught with the love of God. Let them have opportunity of listening to men of ripe talent, men whom God has been educating and training. The minds of these men are filled with truth that the people need. Do not bring in men who have not been proved, while men sit by in silence who have the word of God burning in their souls, and who may never again have opportunity to bear the message given them. Give these tried warriors all the opportunities to speak that they can improve without overtaxing themselves; for they can present the truths that are the very pillars of our faith. (RY 36.4) MC VC