RY 35
(The Retirement Years 35)
Older Ministers to Speak at Camp Meetings VC
In 1890 I was given the following message to bear to our people: (RY 35.1) MC VC
“A mistake has been made in putting young men forward to speak at our camp meetings, before large congregations, when they had not the vital truths to present that were appropriate for the occasion. Precious time has been occupied by those who did not themselves know the true message for this time. Pioneers in the cause—men who had the bread of life to give to the people, men whose hearts and minds were filled with the vital truths needed by the hundreds and thousands of people assembled—have sat and listened to young preachers who could not do justice to the occasion. Not even half work was done in the presentation of the gospel message.” (RY 35.2) MC VC
I am now called upon to present a similar message to our churches. Our aged ministering brethren are not to be over-taxed, but when they are at any of our churches, those in the church should remember that it is always courteous to ask them to speak. It is only showing these brethren the respect due them to say, “Brethren, you are older in the faith than we are. Have you not the word of the Lord for us at this time?” (RY 35.3) MC VC
The time of these workers is precious. They have words to speak that the people need. When they come among you, give them all the time that they can possibly fill. Make arrangements that will enable you to obtain all the help possible from them during their stay. (RY 35.4) MC VC