VSS 209.0
(The Voice in Speech and Song 209.0)
Ministers Shod With Gospel Shoes—Let every minister learn to wear the gospel shoes. He who is “shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace”(Ephesians 6:15) will walk as Christ walked. He will be able to speak right words, and to speak them in love. He will not try to drive home God′s message of truth. He will deal tenderly with every heart, realizing that the Spirit will impress the truth on those who are susceptible to divine impressions. Never will he be vehement in his manner. Every word spoken will have a softening, subduing influence ∙∙∙ . (VSS 209.1) MC VC
In speaking words of reproof, let us put all the Christlike tenderness and love possible into the voice. The higher a minister’s position, the more circumspect should he be in word and act.—Evangelism, 174. (VSS 209.2) MC VC
Lasting Impressions Through Love—In His providence God impresses people to attend our tent meetings and church services. Some come from curiosity, others to criticize or ridicule. Often they are convicted of sin. The word spoken in the spirit of love makes a lasting impression on them. How carefully, then, should these meetings be conducted. The words spoken should be of authority, that the Holy Spirit can impress them on minds. The speaker who is controlled by the Spirit of God has a sacred dignity, and his words are a savor of life unto life. Let not unsuitable illustrations or anecdotes be introduced into the discourse. Let the words spoken be for the edification of the hearers.—Evangelism, 207, 208. (VSS 209.3) MC VC