MM 34
(Medical Ministry 34)
A Pattern of Good Judgment VC
The Lord wants you to be cheerful, and to have cheerful words for the sick. Let the Sun of Righteousness shine forth in your features. Be very decided in your religious service. Make the Lord Jesus your confidant. Make your aim a high one, and let your attainments be higher and higher still in the knowledge of your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.—Letter 128, 1905. (MM 34.1) MC VC
Heavenly Assistants VC
“The time that has been spent in communing with God, in seeking His help before undertaking to relieve those who were in a critical condition, has brought angels to the side of the doctor and his assistants. You have succeeded according as you have trusted in God. He has been by your side just as verily as Christ was by the side of those who were suffering when He walked among them on earth.”—Health, Philanthropic, and Medical Missionary Work, page 40. (MM 34.2) MC VC
Give God the Glory VC
God will work with every Christian physician. And to Him the physician is to give the honor and glory for the success that attends his work. The only safety for physicians is in walking and working in humility and faith.... (MM 34.3) MC VC
You are wholly dependent upon the Great Physician for the ability and power to do good work. Cling to Jesus. He will give you sharpness of intellect to discern with readiness, and steadiness of nerve to execute with precision.—Letter 3, 1901. (MM 34.4) MC VC
God the Physician’s Efficiency VC
The Lord is to be the efficiency of every physician. If in the operating room the physician feels that he is working only as the Lord’s visible helping hand, the Great Physician is present to hold with His invisible hand the hand of the human agent and to guide in the movements made. The Lord knows with what trembling and terror many patients come to the point of undergoing an operation as the only chance for saving life. He knows that they are in greater peril than they ever have been in before. They feel as if their life were in the hands of one whom they believe to be a skillful physician. But when they see their physician on his knees, asking God to make the critical operations a success, the prayer inspires them, as well as the physician, with strong hope and confidence. This confidence, even in the most critical cases, is a means of making operations successful. Impressions are made upon minds that God designed should be made.... (MM 34.5) MC VC