AH 285
(The Adventist Home 285)
If parents are so occupied with other things that they cannot keep their children usefully employed, Satan will keep them busy. (AH 285.1) MC VC
Children Should Learn to Bear Burdens—Parents should awaken to the fact that the most important lesson for their children to learn is that they must act their part in bearing the burdens of the home.... Parents should teach their children to take a common-sense view of life, to realize that they are to be useful in the world. In the home, under the supervision of a wise mother, boys and girls should receive their first instruction in bearing the burdens of life. (AH 285.2) MC VC
The education of the child for good or for evil begins in its earliest years.... As the older children grow up, they should help to care for the younger members of the family. The mother should not wear herself out by doing work that her children might do and should do. (AH 285.3) MC VC
Sharing Burdens Gives Satisfaction—Help your children, parents, to do the will of God by being faithful in the performance of the duties which really belong to them as members of the family. This will give them a most valuable experience. It will teach them that they are not to center their thoughts upon themselves, to do their own pleasure, or to amuse themselves. Patiently educate them to act their part in the family circle, to make a success of their efforts to share the burdens of father and mother and brothers and sisters. Thus they will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are really useful. (AH 285.4) MC VC