TDG 362.6
(This Day With God 362.6)
I tried to open before her the danger of living a prayerless life. She said, “It is no use to pray here, or try to be religious.” I told her if the Lord had appointed her that place she would, if she would accept Christ as her Saviour, realize Christ as her refuge. She said, with tears in her eyes, “It is impossible. I know the company on this ship. I could not live religion here. I hope some time to have some place opened for me where I can support my family, and then I shall give my attention to serious things. If I could only be with my children and support them in a humble way I would only too gladly choose to do so.”—Manuscript 88, December 19, 1893, diary, en route to Sydney, Australia, from New Zealand. (TDG 362.6) MC VC