PM 69.3
(The Publishing Ministry 69.3)
Walk in the Light of God—The Lord has given great light to those in the office of publication at Oakland, and some who for a time walked in the light afterward failed to do so, by not continually keeping the heart surrendered to God, and the result was that darkness came upon them. They lost their sense of sin, and did those things which the Lord had plainly shown them they ought not to do. God forces no man’s will. All are left free to choose whom they will serve. They may listen to the suggestions of Satan, and come to look upon matters as he does, reasoning after the same manner, and the result will be that they will follow the same course of stubborn resistance to the light that Satan pursued in the courts of heaven. Those who reject the light which God sends them will walk in sparks of their own kindling, and will lie down in sorrow at last.... (PM 69.3) MC VC