UL 140.5
(The Upward Look 140.5)
There is a right side—the side of Him who declared, “I have kept my Father’s commandments” (John 15:10). “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul” (Psalm 19:7). There is a wrong side—the side of the one who in heaven rebelled against God. With his sympathizers he was expelled from the heavenly courts, and from his action we may understand that no matter how high a position a man may occupy in the church or in the world, if he is disloyal to God, if he accepts human laws instead of the laws of Jehovah, he can never enter heaven, for he is living in direct opposition to God. He will receive punishment in accordance with the power of influence which instead of being placed on the side of God was placed on the side of Satan. The greater the talents and influence given him, the greater will be his punishment. God will require at his hands the souls he has turned aside from truth to falsehood. Instead of leading them to God, he led them away from God, and their blood will be charged to him.... (UL 140.5) MC VC